Young Carers
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The Young Carers project exists to support young people who take on extra caring responsibilities at home, which often impacts other areas of their lives, like school work, time spent with friends, extra-curricular activities and hobbies. Contributing to household chores and family responsibilities is a common part of life in a home. Young people who are caring for a relative often take on more of these responsibilities and tasks. This can affect their well-being and therefore they may need some support.
What is a Young Carer?
A Young Carer is a child or young person under the age of 24, whose life is affected by providing significant care, assistance, or support to a relative at home.
The Young Carers’ Project recognises the vital role that young people undertake on a daily basis providing care for someone else. Our project has been set up to support young people in this situation.
What support can a young a young carer expect?
- Individual needs identification and support plan for each young carer
- One-to-one support
- Young carers peer activity group
- Respite & fun activities
Donegal Young Carers presenting to the European Parliament in Brussels in 2018: Malcolm Boyd, Austrian MEP Heinz K Becker, Irish MEP Marian Harkin, and Clara Curran pictured with 2 young carers from the midlands.
- School support
- Training programmes to help young carers stay safe and well
How do I know if I’m a Young Carer?
A young carer may undertake some or all of the following:
- Practical Tasks
- Physical Care
- Personal and intimate care
- Household management
- Administering medication
- Medication management
- Looking after younger siblings
- Providing emotional support
- Interpreting, due to hearing or speech impairment or because English is not the family’s first language
Do you feel you miss out on things after school and in your free time because you have to help out at home?
Do you worry about things at home when you are at school?
If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you may be a young carer and we would like to hear from you.
Accessing the Project
Parents and professionals working with young people can contact the number below to find out about our referral pathways. The Young Carers Project operates a monthly group at the LOFT Youth Project in Donegal Youth Service Headquarters.
For more information about this project please contact Gareth Gibson (074) 91 29630, or email:
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