About Us
Donegal Youth Service is a countywide youth service with over 30 affiliated youth clubs and projects that provide drop-in facilities, programmes and services to young people all over Donegal. We work with over 11500 young people annually, supported by over 20 staff and 600 dedicated volunteers. We are a unique service in that we are locally managed and can respond quickly to local needs.
Donegal Youth Service’s capacity lies in the strength of its affiliated groups who are primarily volunteer led clubs. Therefore our primary focus is on strengthening these affiliated groups by continuing to develop effective policies, provide information and youth work programmes to improve the lives and development of young people and the adults who support them.
The overall purpose of Donegal Youth Service is to ensure the provision of quality youth work and to help young people to develop positive attitudes make the best choices with regards to relationships, school, college, internet safety, health and much more through developing and implementing programs and policies to make sure they have healthier and better lives.
Our Vision is that:
All young people are nurtured and supported to reach their full potential and take their place as valued members of a healthy society. Young people are at the heart of our organisation and are supported with excellent standards in volunteering, leaders and programme services. Many young people do not have a safe place to go where they can have a sense of belonging, when they can have a positive relationship with adults and where people believe in them. We offer young people from all backgrounds a place to go a listening ear and support if it’s needed. The services are run by local people and the programmes are run based on the needs of the local community. Positive relationships between young people and adults ensure that young people thrive and are on the road to reaching their potential as well rounded adults.
Mission Statement
“Donegal Youth Service aims to offer young people in Donegal opportunities to develop holistically through informal education processes in a safe and equitable environment.”
Youth work is the remit of voluntary agencies working in effective partnerships with statutory and other voluntary agencies. We are committed to the effective delivery of youth work as a county wide youth agency, ensuring that appropriate youth services are delivered assisting the development of young people and volunteers.
Child Safe guarding statement and risk assessment
For more information about Donegal Youth Service, or any of the work we do please contact us. You can find all of the ways to contact us here. We look forward to hearing from you.