Training Programmes for Adults
Accredited/Non Accredited
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Youth Leadership Training
Course Description
This course is accredited by the Open College Network NI at Level 2 with 3 credits and provides training in understanding leadership in the youth work context in including training in child protection and policy guidelines as well as an opportunity to practice skills in the field.
Who is it for?
Adult Volunteers and staff who wish to gain accreditation on their work in local youth units
Course Outcomes
To enable participants to programme plan, understand youth work definitions and methods, develop facilitation skills and to keep up to date with legislation and information around youth work
The course is 20hrs tuition, 10hrs preparation and research and 20hrs club contact time.
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Child Protection
Course Description
Identifying Signs & Symptoms,
Recording & Reporting,
Recruitment Pathways,
Codes of Behaviour.
Who is it for:
Youth leaders & volunteers.
Course Outcomes
To enhance the quality of service in local youth units
To provide a working knowledge of DYS policies regarding safety for
staff, volunteers and young people
To ensure compliance with good practice guidelines (Children First)
To assist local youth clubs in compliance with future proofing of their organisations
2 x 2hr or 1 x 4hr session
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Love Hurts Sexual Health Train the Trainer
Course Description
The Love Hurts training programme is a Donegal Youth Service ‘Train the Trainers’ programme designed to promote the provision of Sexual Health Awareness for young people accessing youth clubs and projects across Co. Donegal.
Who is it for
The course is for adults involved in Youth Clubs/Projects who have experience of facilitation processes and would like to further their skills into the field of Sexual Health Awarenes
Course Outcomes
The programme is designed to further the knowledge and skills of adults who are already working with young people and who have the interest and skills to deliver information sessions. The programme ensures that adults have the confidence and correct information to deliver Sexual Health Awareness, in turn ensuring that young people are gaining factual, positive information from a skilled facilitator.
The programme runs from 10am until 4pm over two days