The LOFT (Learning Opportunities for Teens) are launching a new peer mentoring group.
What are we looking for in a potential mentor? Young people who want to make a difference to their community, who are interested in helping others and would like to express their thoughts and opinions.
The first meet up will be on Saturday the 28th of October. After that the meetings will run on Saturdays from 12-2pm on a bi-weekly basis. As part of the mentors group young people will receive leadership training and be encouraged to participate in the project in a mentor capacity during some group work or drop-in times.
We are looking for a group of about 20 young people to not only guide the project staff in their planning, but also offer hands on support to other young people in the project.
Does this sound like you or someone you know? Get in touch with the LOFT. You CAN make a difference. Try something new and contact us today
Email: or Call: (074) 91 29630