Youth Information: The backbone of a successful Youth Strategy
Our very own Youth Information Officer Katarzyna Kurzeja (Kasia) travelled to Brussels in May as the representative for Eurodesk Ireland for the ‘Youth Information: The Backbone of a Successful Youth Strategy’ conference. The event was part of European Youth Week.
“As an experienced Youth Information Officer and Eurodesk multiplier, I mainly focused on the importance of face-to-face contact with young people. As much as we all appreciate new technologies and online tools, we sometimes tend to forget about the power and the importance of relationships that we build with other people every day.”
You can read the full blog of her trip on the website
The Letterkenny Youth Information Centre provide a free information service for young people about all sorts of things such as working or volunteering abroad, accommodation, jobs, CV help, CAO help, a space to hang out and more. Contact them for more information.