With a 3 hour taster session this Thursday the 15th

Katie Harley via Facebook
There are new opportunities for young people to get involved in different programmes and groups within the LOFT Youth project all the time. With this in mind LOFT are excited to announce that they are adding another new group to the schedule. The ‘GET THE PICTURE’ art group will be starting on Thursday the 15th of February with a 3hour taster session from 3-6pm followed by weekly sessions on Thursdays from 4:30-6:30pm.
With current groups ranging from Fit For Life (Tuesdays), World Wide Voices (Wednesdays), Tea&Tunes (Thursdays), SCHOOL’S OUT and Cookery (Fridays) to Mentors and Young Carers (alternating Saturdays) there is sure to be a group for any young person looking to get involved in the Project. Groups are brilliant opportunities to make new friends and grow in confidence.
The Group offers an introduction to Art and is facilitated by Artist Katie Harley who has recently graduated with a BA Hons degree in Fine Art, and has also completed a foundation diploma in Art & Design as well as a Diploma in Art Therapy. You can find her work on here. The group is also supported by LOFT project worker Dori Allen who has over 12 years experience in youth work.

Katie Harley via Facebook
Katie has a passion for introducing young people to the benefits of different forms of Art and will offer the participants a chance to discover the history of art as well as help them develop their own style. This group is aimed at any young person with an interest in art or who would like to learn a new skill. No prior art experience is necessary.
The group will include aspects of mindfulness to encourage young people to understand the positive impact that art can have on their mental health and explore ways to stay healthy.
The group is open to 12-18 year olds and will be meeting within the LOFT Youth Project at 16-18 Port Road Letterkenny. There will be €2 charge per participants for the taster session and we are asking for a €1 contribution towards the programme costs for the weekly group sessions after this.
If you think you or someone you know may be interested in getting involved in this new group or any of our existing groups please don’t hesitate to text, whatsapp or call Dori on 0867800128 or send an email to loftstaff@gmail.com.
The LOFT is jointly managed by Foroige and Donegal Youth Service and funded by Tusla.