CE Scheme: Youth Support Worker in Falcarragh
We’re hiring! We are looking for a Community Employment Scheme Youth Support Worker in Falcarragh.
> 19.5 hours per week. You will receive training as part of this position.
There are lots of great reasons to do a CE Scheme: Avail of free training, get back to work part time, try something new, meet new people, and make a difference in your community. For more information about CE Schemes please visit the Citizens Information websit here: Community Employment Programme
Please note: Applicants must be eligible to do a Community Employment Scheme. Please contact your local Intreo office to confirm. Typical eligibility is 1 year unemployed/or in receipt of another qualifying Social Welfare payment and at least 21 years old.
For more information or to apply please contact CE Supervisor Lee Stephenson on 074 91 29630 or email lee.stephenson@donegalyouthservice.ie